Insights at First Sight: Customize and Share Reports Your Team Will Love

Sharing message test results has never been easier.

You’ve just run a critical message test and need to share the results in a way that makes sense to your stakeholders and teammates. You may even have to create narratives, depending on which teams and people you share it with, taking time and energy when every second counts. 

We get it. As the reliance on data-driven message strategies continues to increase, the ability to clearly communicate results for an external audience has become a requirement. 

This is why we’ve built custom reporting and sharing features so Grow Progress clients can create easy-to-understand reports while maintaining sharing controls.



Customize your reports with images, summaries, and even open-ended text boxes to give teammates crucial context

Create custom reports that resonate with stakeholders

You can now easily create and customize your report using drag-and-drop functionality, offering greater control over what is shown and when. Select your components from the sidebar and craft compelling narratives aligning with your strategic goals. 

Plus, with open-ended text boxes and pre-generated details about message testing phrases and methodologies, you can layer in details about why the results they’re seeing are important.

Sharing reports has now been enhanced, allowing you to share reports with internal teams with a click of a button. 

Need to share the report with a stakeholder who doesn’t have access to Grow Progress? No problem, send it via email or as a link in any way you prefer. 

Ready to get started? Email us today at [email protected] or book your own customized solutions demo here.