Be a Stronger, Data-Informed Marketer
Our set of tools was designed to act like stepping stones to allow you to better understand your audience’s beliefs, motivations and values, to not only deepen, but broaden your pool of supporters.
We provide the information and data to help you create more effective messaging, and you’ll learn what works, and what doesn’t, to become a stronger, data-informed marketer.
How they work together
Before you begin creating content, start by running an Audience Understanding Survey to learn what your potential audiences really value and care about.
Then, gather inspiration and sharpen your ideas by using Persuasion Library to stand on the shoulders of giants and find inspiration, along with data on what’s worked, and what hasn’t, from past efforts across sectors.
Now you’re equipped to create messages that persuade people based on what matters most to them.
With your learnings, head to our Persuasion Sandbox to let the power of AI do the heavy lifting of drafting samples messages for your campaign, utilizing your choice of persuasion tactics and emotional hooks.
Use the output as is, or edit to suit your needs as you head into testing.
With a few versions drafted, run your messages through a Rapid Message Test. Unlike polls and surveys which measure what people think or like at face value, our tests use randomized controlled trials to tell you which of your messages are performing well (or not), and why.
Land on the message that turns skeptics into believers.