Persuasion Library
Instant access to an aggregated database of tested content — build, customize, and filter your own insights library.
Request a DemoHow It Works
Clients utilize the Rapid Message Testing to see what messages persuade their audiences, and what possibly backfires.
How It Works
Tests are stored, organized, and displayed in a database where clients choose the privacy level of the results. Apply filters and search by demographic, topic, keyword, message type, and beyond.
How It Works
Clients customize their library, build benchmarks, test and store competitive content, and build a foundation of data-driven insights.
How It Works
With these learnings and inspiration, you craft your messaging to be more effective.
Once you’ve identified your audience’s values and beliefs in the Audience Understanding Survey, you can explore the Persuasion Library to see what worked, what’s backfired, and what’s not made an impression at all on your target audiences. You can use that inspiration and additional insight to craft and vet content using Rapid Message Tests to not only see what works, but why.