Rapid Message Testing
Go beyond traditional polling and double the effectiveness of your messaging through randomized controlled trials.
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How It Works
We first recruit a representative group of the people you want to persuade and then randomly assign them into statistically identical groups.

How It Works
They then see either your ad or a placebo — allowing you to compare the difference in opinion between the two and measure whether your ad actually changed anyone’s mind.

How It Works
Through our self-service dashboard, you receive actionable results about which of your messages is scientifically more likely to persuade the most people — so you can double the impact of your messages.*

How It Works
The result: you then get actionable recommendations on our platform about which messages persuade the most people

Start with Audience Understanding Surveys to learn what values and motivations better resonate with your target demographics. Then head to the Persuasion Sandbox to use powerful AI to help you quickly craft example messages to iterate from. You can take this insight-informed content to Rapid Message Testing to quickly determine what messages move your audience, it will also identify what messages create backlash, and what messages don’t make an impact at all. Within days you’ll know how to move more people, rather than testing without a clear strategy.